Ms. L - Mom Empowering Boudoir Photoshoot!

“Let me tell was life changing.”

We LOVED having Ms. L in the studio!!! After having multiple babies, beginning a successful career and doing IT ALL she found herself again through boudoir! Here’s her feedback:

A lot of you in here know me personally, and my crazy lifestory- but for those who don’t- the short version is that I have birthed and nursed LOT of babies. I have literally been pregnant or nursing since 2010 straight. (7 babies with a set of triplets to be exact lol)
If you’ve been through PP stuff you know you lose yourself a little each time- the sexiness fades away, the stretch marks form, the boobs get saggy- you get the point- hence my instant horror when I won this giveaway 🤣🙅🏼‍♀️
But I owed this to myself, I mean, why not?…
I finally did it yesterday- Let me tell was life changing. I dont even care if my husband ever sees these pictures- these were done for ME! I am SO glad I did this. Emily made me feel alive! I got to see myself in a new form. She made me feel beautiful- sexy even 👀 I have boobs, and a butt!!! Who knew?! 🤣👏🏼
Thank you, Emily. You are amazing, I am so thankful for you.
— Ms. L

Ms. J Empowerment Boudoir Photoshoot - The best part is the reveal of the photos!!!


Ms. R's Bridal Boudoir Session in Charlottesville, Virginia